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The vision of the body in Education and Sport

in uscita
The vision of the body in Education and Sport
Titolo The vision of the body in Education and Sport
Sottotitolo Historical evolution and Philosophical Enquiry
Collana 9.Didaskaloi
Marchio Stilo
Editore Stilo Editrice
libro Libro
Dimensioni 14x21
Lingua inglese
Pagine 194
ISBN 9788864792835


30,00 28,50
risparmi: € 1,50
The body constructs its meaning in relation to the proxemics it is able to realise; this is why the process of recognising the existence of the subject inevitably moves within a historical and, above all, political horizon.
The essay, entitled The Vision of the Body in Education and Sport. Historical Evolution and Philosophical Enquiry, was written by several hands precisely in order to understand the traces of a functionality of the body which, despite the inescapable transcendentality attributed to it, constantly escapes from semantic processes taken for granted in order to take on representations, above all of meaning, that are instrumental and cogent.
The Authors’ debate on the physical expression of the human being is expressed in a varied mix: free and creative activity, as in the case of play; performing and harmonious manifestation, a fundamental component of sport; vigour and strength as expressions that accredit the value of totalitarianism; rigour and discipline of the body to the point of paraphrasing religiosity; desire and identity tension; the body as perception of limits, closure within oneself to the point of burnout; or anxiety of collectivity and love.

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